BC Business
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WHEN: November 7 WHERE: Vancouver Convention Centre Getting your goods to market on time demands flexible and innovative technology, planning and a certain amount of luck. Hosted by the Business Council of B.C., this summit brings together business, government and global experts to discuss a long-term, integrated approach to building infrastructure ($419; bcbc.com/events).Profit from Partnership: Benefiting Your Business when: November 19 where: Pan Pacific Hotel, Crystal Pavilion Joining forces with another company can lead to bigger profits, improved efficiency and better employee retention. BCIT president Kathy Kinloch moderates a panel of business leaders who will discuss every aspect of the process, from consulting to training, at this event hosted by the Vancouver Board of Trade ($138; $69, members; board oftrade.com/events). OMG Social Media Conference when: November 20 where: SFU Segal Graduate School of Business If, like the U.K. prime minister, you think “lol” means “lots of love,” you may need guidance in the art of online communication. Hear experts discuss target markets, content strategy and storytelling in this hands-on program; last year’s keynotes included George Moen, former president of Blenz coffee and co-founder of Rapid Time Networks, and Andrea Goertz, senior vice-president at Telus ($159, early bird; $189, regular; omgsocialmedia.ca). The Business Community Tribute to Mayor Walter Gray when: November 28 where: Coast Capri Hotel, Kelowna As the three-term mayor of Kelowna, Walter Gray championed the redevelopment of the city’s downtown, including the new Interior Health building and proposed 24-storey hotel. Celebrate his contributions at this Kelowna Chamber of Commerce event ($55; $40, members; kelownachamber .org/events). The Franchise Show WHEN: November 8-9 WHERE: Vancouver Convention Centre, East Building, Ballrooms A, B and C Franchised businesses account for 40 per cent of all retail sales in Canada. This two-day event by the Canadian Franchise Association—the country’s largest franchise-only exhibition—includes seminars and exhibits along with the chance to network with reps from more than 100 franchise systems (one day pass, $10; weekend pass, $15; cfa.ca). ■