6 more B.C. businesses doing good during COVID-19: Helping Doctors Without Borders, PB&Js made to order and much more

Our series celebrates local companies that are stepping up to help others.

Credit: Courtesy of BroadbandTV Corp.

BroadbandTVs #FunIndoors campaign supports Doctors Without Borders efforts against COVID-19

Our series celebrates local companies that are stepping up to help others

Another week has passed, and here we are—remaining in social isolation to help flatten the curve and take the strain off the health-care system. The dramatic damage wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic has affected companies large and small in every industry. As the chaos settles into a new normal, we should remind ourselves that people and businesses throughout B.C. are showing kindness and generosity. Despite all the bad news, it’s important to recognize those who have stepped up to do good for others.

In this weekly series, BCBusiness celebrates companies that have gone above and beyond to support the community and our health-care professionals. Whether it’s feeding local front-line workers or providing learning tools to parents, every little bit matters, and we thank you.

BroadbandTV Corp.

Vancouver-based media tech company BBTV has launched the #FunIndoors movement in support of Doctors Without Borders, which is setting up temporary hospitals and giving technical support to treat and slow the spread of COVID-19 worldwide. #FunIndoors will raise funds for and awareness of the cause while encouraging businesses and individuals to make the most of their time inside. Donate and learn more by visiting the campaign’s GoFundMe Page. BBTV is also committing a percentage of client advertising spend to companies offering support and relief to those affected by the pandemic. These funds can be applied directly to the World Health Organization, Canadian food banks or Feeding America.

Digital Media Academy

As soon as educators and students were driven to online learning by COVID-19, Vancouver-based Digital Media Academy sprang into action. The school made its paid Teacher Plan entirely free, with unlimited access for educators and 30-plus courses to facilitate online learning. In response to the high rate of adoption by teachers, Digital Media Academy has started offering live platform support for all educators and students. Traditionally a provider of in-person summer tech camps for students aged nine to 18, the academy keeps enhancing its online learning offerings as usage from around the world grows. You can learn more here.

Dominion Bar + Kitchen

After two successful years in business, Dominion is giving back to its community by teaming up with the Downtown Surrey Business Improvement Association to help feed the front-line heroes at Surrey Memorial Hospital. On April 7, the restaurant donated 223 sandwiches to the hospital’s men and women. It has also launched a Pay It Forward program that donates 100 percent of gift card profits to the Surrey Hospital Foundation, which is working tirelessly to keep staff fed and energized as they work around the clock. Contact Dominion at 604-330-0229 to buy a gift card. As little as $20 will provide a delicious meal for two.


When the news of COVID-19 hit Vancouver Island, the local peanut butter company jumped into action. Owner Jill Van Gyn joined forces with SaltSpring Kitchen Co. to launch the Safety Sandwich Program, which delivers 300 peanut-butter-and-jam sandwiches a week to marginalized populations in Victoria. Stepping up its efforts to help the vulnerable, Fatso has also donated $45,000 in product, developed a short-term roundup perishable foods from restaurants, raised almost $2,000 for food banks, and served well over a dozen nonprofits and other organizations.


The Langley-headquartered grocery chain has committed an astounding $500,000 to its fundraising goal of $1 million, to help vulnerable kids access school meal support during COVID-19. It’s estimated that one in five school-aged children in Canada relies on such programs, which have disappeared thanks to school closures. Customers are invited to donate to this cause while shopping in-store, with all money going to the community where it was collected. Give $2 or more next time you’re at your local Save-On-Foods.

Vancouver Candle Co.

Supporting local business and showing gratitude to our health-care workers has never smelled so good. For every product sold, the artisanal candle brand is donating one to those on the front lines. Visit the Vancouver Candle Co. website to make a purchase.

If you know a B.C. business that is going above and beyond to help others during the pandemic, drop us a line! We’d love to feature them in this weekly series. Please email darian@jellymarketing.com