BC Business
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HE DISCUSSION IN THIS COUNTRY around pipelines often seems to come down to a “for” or “against” vote. The complexity of the relationship between pipelines and Canada’s economic, social and environmental well-being is too often drowned out by shouting on either side, with the opinions and concerns of a silent majority lost in the cacophony. So BCBusiness and Alberta Venture sent reporters and photographers far and wide in our two provinces to get behind the headlines and tell the true, nuanced stories. We’ve considered the current state of provincial politics, the growing need for aboriginal involvement and the competing perspectives of Kamloops and Burnaby with respect to Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Pipeline. We sent two reporters and a photographer along the path of Northern Gateway, from Bruderheim, Alberta, to Kitimat, B.C., to report the opinion of people on the ground. We even engaged pollsters to delve into the opinions of people living in the two provinces. The most surprising finding? Most people in both provinces do not want to sacrifice the environment for economic gain. We hope the stories in this package, and the further coverage to be found online at BCBusiness.ca/pipelines, will help balance the discussion and point a way forward.