How Do You Reward Exceptional Work?

Jim Mockford, Michael Webb and Nick Louie on how they reward exceptional work.   Jim Mockford, General Manager, The Listel Hotel Vancouver “We start with ‘thank you’ then move up: buying staff coffee or maybe dinner, or a night’s stay at our hotel in Whistler. I have a desk drawer overflowing with gift certificates, but in the end I think the most appreciated reward is often the simple, but heartfelt, thank you.” Michael Webb, VP Human Resources, HSBC Bank of Canada

Jim Mockford, Michael Webb, Nick Louie | BCBusiness

Jim Mockford, Michael Webb and Nick Louie on how they reward exceptional work.


Jim Mockford, General Manager, The Listel Hotel Vancouver

“We start with ‘thank you’ then move up: buying staff coffee or maybe dinner, or a night’s stay at our hotel in Whistler. I have a desk drawer overflowing with gift certificates, but in the end I think the most appreciated reward is often the simple, but heartfelt, thank you.”

Michael Webb, VP Human Resources, HSBC Bank of Canada

“We employ a global rewards strategy that includes performance-based compensation and robust career development programs. Employees can enjoy a career that crosses time zones, continents and cultures, including work opportunities that span the world.”

Nick Louie, Owner, Nick Louie & Associates Ltd.

“We often will give bonuses in monetary form, but also try to get creative: spa retreats, manicure/pedicure gift certificates, concerts, getting off early, having a barbecue or a swimming pool party, giving them a pair of shoes or some clothing they really want or even just giving them a day off with pay.”