BC Business
Jim Mockford, Michael Webb, Nick Louie | BCBusiness
Jim Mockford, Michael Webb and Nick Louie on how they reward exceptional work. Jim Mockford, General Manager, The Listel Hotel Vancouver “We start with ‘thank you’ then move up: buying staff coffee or maybe dinner, or a night’s stay at our hotel in Whistler. I have a desk drawer overflowing with gift certificates, but in the end I think the most appreciated reward is often the simple, but heartfelt, thank you.” Michael Webb, VP Human Resources, HSBC Bank of Canada
“We start with ‘thank you’ then move up: buying staff coffee or maybe dinner, or a night’s stay at our hotel in Whistler. I have a desk drawer overflowing with gift certificates, but in the end I think the most appreciated reward is often the simple, but heartfelt, thank you.”
“We employ a global rewards strategy that includes performance-based compensation and robust career development programs. Employees can enjoy a career that crosses time zones, continents and cultures, including work opportunities that span the world.”
“We often will give bonuses in monetary form, but also try to get creative: spa retreats, manicure/pedicure gift certificates, concerts, getting off early, having a barbecue or a swimming pool party, giving them a pair of shoes or some clothing they really want or even just giving them a day off with pay.”