BC Business
Too Many Demands, Too Little B.C. Venture Financing
Even as B.C.'s venture financing industry languishes, the requests for money keep coming. Interesting timing. As this month's edition came out with Andrew Findlay's wonderful story on venture financing in B.C., a few of us consultants were gassing about something very similar. But our talks focused on the other end: That's the inevitable overture for help from companies looking for financing.
Interesting timing. As this month’s edition came out with Andrew Findlay’s wonderful story on venture financing in B.C., a few of us consultants were gassing about something very similar.
But our talks focused on the other end: That’s the inevitable overture for help from companies looking for financing.
In B.C., which is very much a region overloaded with start-up or early-stage companies, this is a common pursuit.
Unfortunately, it’s a pursuit that’s commonly done wrong.