BC Business
HEDY FRY, MP, Vancouver Centre
“Dress for the part. My mother always used to tell me, ‘You have to dress for where you’re going.’ If you’re doing a presentation or a meeting, it’s because you’re doing a professional event, so dress professionally. You should be very clean and business-like. Show that you have a sense of style but don’t go around wearing something flamboyant. You want people to focus on the depth of your presentation and the presentation itself instead of focusing on you.”
SPICE LUCKS, realtor, Spice Lucks Real Estate
“Nothing about your looks can make a deeper impression than authenticity, passion and enthusiasm. The most important preparation you could do for a meeting is to commit to being true to yourself and to letting go of outcomes. People resonate with people on a deep level and they sense passion and excitement. Positive energy always leaves tracks. When you’re true to yourself, any other type of personal grooming is icing on the cake.”
JAMIE PALLIARDI, operations manager, Paramount Components Ltd., and former model
“Wear something that speaks to your personality. You could be throwing on a suit, but it’s that special tie or shirt that makes it more you, maybe a bright colour or design. It takes confidence to break your shell and try something different to find what works for you. I probably wouldn’t have gone into modelling had I not had the opportunity to try on all the nice clothes and realized, ‘Hey this doesn’t look bad.’”