2013 Lotus Awards

The evening's emcees, Norma Reid, CTV news weekend anchor; and Tom Gierasimczuk, BCBusiness editor-in-chief.The evening's emcees, Norma Reid, CTV news weekend anchor; and Tom Gierasimczuk, BC Business editor-in-chief. Jodie Driemel, Zoom media operations director; Chris Corvetti, Zoom Media director of sales; and Jenny Goodman, Zoom Media national account executive.The evening's emcees...

The evening’s emcees, Norma Reid, CTV news weekend anchor; and Tom Gierasimczuk, BCBusiness editor-in-chief.

Jodie Driemel, Zoom media operations director; Chris Corvetti, Zoom Media director of sales; and Jenny Goodman, Zoom Media national account executive.

Paul Russell, Corus Radio account manager; Lori Russell, Taxi Vancouver executive assistant; Jen Schaeffers, CKNW Orphan Fund executive director; and Tamara Von Dohren, CKNW senior promotions coordinator.

Chris Moore, MacLaren McCann associate creative director and Alan Russell, Alan Russell Creative principal.

Ian Roote, Met Fine Printers sales and Luciano Bruschetta, Met Fine Printers senior production planner.

Nicole Pointon, Thought Shop; Jonathan Mentzos, Thought Shop principal; Ryan Chung, Thought Shop graphic designer; and Gabe Hall, 123 west designer/producer.

Marcus McLaughlin, freelance copywriter; Alana McMillan, Taxi Vancouver account director; and Nikki Jobson, Taxi Vancouver senior writer.

Danielle Velecky, DDB Canada event coordinator; Nicole Moore, DDB Canada operations manager; and Kirsty McGuire, DDB Canada receptionist.

Remy Lee Anhorn, Remy Lee Artistry principal; Jim Conrad, JCA Communications CEO; and Steve Lowe, Koko Productions partner.

Glen Chalcraft, Rethink partner; and Chris Staples, Rethink founder.

Ian Grais, Rethink partner; and Richard Sandor, Eustress Marketing founder.

Alex Hall, Wayne Kozak Audio engineer; and Davor Vulama, Wayne Kozak Audio producer.

Freddie De Leon, Rethink finance; Tom Pettapiece, Rethink studio artist; Scorpio Lam, Rethink senior web developer; and Rafael Gi, Rethink digital strategist.

Scott Gray, Met Fine Printers VP branding; Azadeh Yaraghi, Gogo Telugo creative director; and Nikos Kallas, Met Fine Printers president.

The MacLaren McCann group jump for a photo.

2013 Lotus Awards, presented by Prestige Marketing
Vancouver Convention Centre
November 13, 2013

More than 600 attended the 24th annual Lotus Awards at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Guests mingled in the reception hall prior to entering the ballroom for the evenings festivities. Hosts Norma Reid, CTV new weekend anchor and Tom Gierasimczuk, BCBusiness editor-in-chief took to the stage to emcee the awards. After dinner, the band BESTiE performed and got the crowd dancing.

The annual Lotus Awards are competitive advertising awards that celebrate creative excellence in British Columbia. Established in 1989, the Lotus Awards show was founded by the West Coast advertising community to recognize outstanding creative work of individuals, companies and agencies in B.C.


Best of Show: This is Dare for work for the BC Children’s Hospital
Advertiser of the Year: This is Dare
Best Media Collaboration: Rethink Canada for Molson Canadian Beer Fridge