How Do You Network Outside the Office?

Greg Sims, Zdenka Buric, and Katrine Clark on their after-hours business. Greg Sims, President and CEO, ?OK Tire Stores Inc. “I get a lot of invitations to events from our manufacturing partners, and I really like those because they expose me to some of my competition. It gives me an opportunity to find out what’s going on in our industry, and I find they’re a really good venue for learning.” Zdenka Buric, ?Managing Partner, National Public Relations Inc.

Greg Sims, Zdenka Buric, Katrine Clark | BCBusiness

Greg Sims, Zdenka Buric, and Katrine Clark on their after-hours business.

Greg Sims, President and CEO, 
OK Tire Stores Inc.

“I get a lot of invitations to events from our manufacturing partners, and I really like those because they expose me to some of my competition. It gives me an opportunity to find out what’s going on in our industry, and I find they’re a really good venue for learning.”

Zdenka Buric, 
Managing Partner, National Public Relations Inc.

“I’ve taken clients to nooners at Nat Bailey Stadium, which has always been a big hit. The nice thing about baseball is that it doesn’t happen quickly, so you’re relaxing a little bit, enjoying the game and the sun, and you’re out of that formal business environment.”

Katrine Clark, 
Financial Advisor, Edward Jones

“The mistake I sometimes see people make is going and doing things for the sake of networking, which invariably becomes all about work. I try to choose things that I like to do anyway with people I like to be with, and business comes naturally as a result of that.”