VBOT’s Tribute to Premier Gordon Campbell

Event: VBOT's Tribute to Premier Gordon Campbell Venue: Vancouver Convention Centre Date: Feb. 11, 2011 Over 1,000 people attended the Vancouver Board of Trade and the Business Council of British Columbia's luncheon to pay tribute to Premier Gordon Campbell. The outgoing premier was congratulated and thanked by all, with three overwhelming standing ovations for the man with "big energy, a big heart, and big ideas."

A proud Premier Gordon Campbell (l) takes a snapshot with old friend David McLean of OBC.

Century Plaza Hotel GM, Wendy Lisogar-Cocchia (l), and deputy chief of staff and executive assistant to the premier, Lara Dauphinee.

The always charismatic president of the VBOT, Jason McLean.

Top dogs Doug H. Horswill (l), VP of Teck Resources, and Robert McFarlane, CFO of Telus.

The men who educate our future business leaders: Associate dean Bruce Wiesner (l) and Gordon Kir of the Sauder School of Business.

Debra Craig (l) of BC Hydro and Angela Racette of BMO take an afternoon off to dine with the outgoing premier.

The men of the Vancouver Airport Authority: Glenn McCoy (l) and John Watson.

The GM of the Vancouver Convention Centre, Ken Cretney (l), takes a seat next to GM of the Marriott Hotel, Richard Main.

Kevin Bent (l), director of the VBOT, and minister of Canadian heritage, James Moore, stand proudly in front of our flags.

Health services minister, Colin Hansen, takes a break to honour an old friend.

The minister of tourism, Margaret MacDiarmid, catches up on her junior hockey with VP of the Vancouver Giants, Dale Saip.

Minister of the Asia-Pacific Gateway, Stockwell Day (l); President and CEO of the Business Council of British Columbia, Greg D’Avignon; and son of the outgoing premier, Geoff Campbell.

U.S. consul general Phillip T. Chicola (c) with two powerful ladies, councillor for the City of Vancouver Suzanne Anton (l), and minister of citizens services, Mary McNeil.

Event: VBOT’s Tribute to Premier Gordon Campbell
Venue: Vancouver Convention Centre
Date: Feb. 11, 2011

Over 1,000 people attended the Vancouver Board of Trade and the Business Council of British Columbia’s luncheon to pay tribute to Premier Gordon Campbell. The outgoing premier was congratulated and thanked by all, with three overwhelming standing ovations for the man with “big energy, a big heart, and big ideas.”

Attendants viewed a special tribute video praising Campbell and his accomplishments through his years of service. Former U.S. president Bill Clinton, Jimmy Pattison, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, John Furlong, and many others graced the screen to praise Campbell for his excellence and dedication to the province. One of his greatest accomplishments? Making the 2010 Winter Games “Canada’s Games – a national event.” As Peter Brown, chairman and founder of Canaccord Financial put it: “He is a great Vancouverite, a great British Columbian, and a great Canadian.”

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