30 Under 30: MeepMeep founder Eve Bennett throws her energy into building the AirTags of disc golf

Victoria-based MeepMeep makes stick-on disc trackers

Eve Bennett | Age: 29

Founder and CEO, MeepMeep

Life Story: Some families spend their quality time together watching Survivor or playing Monopoly, but for Eve Bennett, disc golf was the go-to bonding activity growing up on Salt Spring Island. “It was outdoors, low-cost and such a good experience for me as a kid,” she remembers. She still has a disc from that time—and says she’d be devastated if she ever lost it.

With MeepMeep’s technology, however, lost discs could be a thing of the past. “Think air tags, but for disc golf,” Bennett explains. She founded the Victoria-based stick-on disc tracking company in 2020 after completing some exhaustive research and development: on top of the tracker needing to be adhesive and lightweight, it also had to flex with the disc, withstand frequent impacts and be effective in mud, rain and snow. The end product is a smart, battery-powered sticker that weighs seven grams and is only five millimetres thick.

Instead of using mapping to show players where their discs have landed, MeepMeep (wait for it) beep-beeps. “We found that this was the most user-intuitive and precise way to locate,” explains Bennett, who has a degree in commerce from UVic. The audio cue also makes the activity more accessible: “In order to get new players into any sport, you need to make it more fun, less frustrating and give people less reasons to give up,” she says.

Bottom Line: MeepMeep has sold over 4,500 units and has partnered with distributors in both Canada (Atlantic Disc Golf) and the U.S. (Infinite Discs and Disc Golf Deals USA). The team has grown from two to nine employees in three years, and Bennett looks forward to the brand having a presence at the Disc Golf Pro Tour’s Europe launch in 2024. Plus, MeepMeep’s about to get smarter: the entrepreneur and her crew are developing a next-gen product that presents analytics and uses machine-based learning to offer coaching suggestions.