BC Business
With the clock running out on Baby Boomers' time in the work force, not everyone is ready to call it quits.
As Canadians put off retirement, we're entering the age of the unretired. This will create huge changes in business and the workplace. Since I had a birthday recently, I’ve been thinking more about retirement. As one kindly birthday message put it, “One step closer to the age of wisdom.”
With the clock running out on Baby Boomers’ time in the work force, not everyone is ready to call it quits.
Since I had a birthday recently, I’ve been thinking more about retirement. As one kindly birthday message put it, “One step closer to the age of wisdom.”
But in my case, much of that thinking is tinged with some horror. As you get older, there’s something about a digit clicking over that makes you realize that retirement may be closer than you thought. For people like me who plan to die with their boots on, so to speak, the concept of not working is inconceivable.
So I’m happy to see that “retirement age” is actually getting further away, according to a survey by CARP – the Canadian Association Of Retired Persons.