BC Business
When will the province make it just a little tougher for lobbyists to do their job?
The latest annual numbers show that more than half of their efforts zeroed in on ministers and MLAs.
The provincial Lobbyists Registration Act recognizes consultant lobbyists (those who work for clients) and in-house lobbyists (those representing an organization).
Well, some of them do. But more often than not, if 2016’s monthly lists of who’s lobbying whom are any indication, they represent drug and resources companies.
The leading environmentalist’s eponymous foundation has pressed elected officials on everything from transit funding to climate change action.
Take Gabe Garfinkel, principal of Vancouver-based Garfinkel & Partners Strategies, who at press time was the B.C. Liberal candidate for Vancouver-Fairview in the May provincial election. Since 2014, Garfinkel’s clients have included Chevron Canada Ltd., First West Credit Union and U.S. giant Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Remember Kim Haakstad? Now a consultant lobbyist with Vancouver’s Wazuku Advisory Group, Haakstad resigned as Christy Clark’s deputy chief of staff in 2013 after being implicated in a dorky plan to court ethnic voters.
Of 178 new and outstanding compliance reviews by the Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists for the 2014-15 fiscal year, just 16 led to formal investigations; the rest were resolved informally. In 2014, thenregistrar of lobbyists Elizabeth Denham upheld a $1,200 fine against exB.C. Liberal MLA Bill Belsey for contravening two sections of the kLobbyists Registration Act. For a first offence, the top fine under the Act is $25,000.
In late 2013, Denham published a report containing several recommendations for amending the Lobbyists Registration Act. Among them: requiring designated filers to “include the name of any person or organization, other than the client or employer, who controls, directs or is a major funding source for lobbying activities.”