BC Business
VC spending in Canada | BCBusinessVC spending in Canada.
Show B.C. the moneyA new report from the Canadian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association confirms what many Vancourites perhaps already suspected: B.C. is a hotbed for startups and venture capital. In terms of dollars being invested, we’re second only to Ontario, a much larger province, attracting $554 million in VC throughout 2014, representing 29 per cent of all VC spending in Canada last year. Ontario attracted $932 million and third-place Quebec, $295 million. In Alberta, similiar in size to B.C., only $52 million was invested, or less than a tenth of what B.C. achieved. That said, in terms of all private equity investments, including energy (VC is more or less synonymous with tech), Alberta was well ahead. Not that we care or anything.
Mining for evidenceA search warrant was executed Tuesday to investigate Imperial Metals’ offices in Vancouver and Mount Polley, where last year a massive tailings spill brought its owner, Imperial, under legal and public scrutinity. The joint provincial-federal investigation is still ongoing and “primarily focuses on offences in respect to the Environmental Management Act and the federal Fisheries Act,” Chris Doyle, a B.C. Conservation Officer Service inspector, told Business in Vancouver. (via BIV)
Not just the capital of B.C. Victoria, it turns out, is also the capital of love. The city was ranked by Amazon as the most romantic in Canada for the third year in a row. This is based on the number of people purchasing romance novels, relationship books, romantic comedy DVDs, romantic CDs, jewellery and sexual wellness products. “The city ranked highest in all categories,” the release said. On second thought, perhaps Victoria is just the capital of questionable taste.