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5 myths about leadership

Decisive. Charismatic. Supremely confident. Highly educated and experienced in their sector. These are some of the attributes most people associate with chief executives. But a longitudinal study by a Chicago management consultancy called The CEO Genome Project, which tracked thousands of business leaders over a 10-year span, suggests none of...

You don’t have to be Jack Welch

Decisive. Charismatic. Supremely confident. Highly educated and experienced in their sector. These are some of the attributes most people associate with chief executives. But a longitudinal study by a Chicago management consultancy called The CEO Genome Project, which tracked thousands of business leaders over a 10-year span, suggests none of these qualities are especially linked to successful leadership. Indeed, leaders have a lot of the traits more associated with the general population. Many describe themselves as introverts or rose up from unassuming beginnings in their careers. There’s hope for us all, in other words. Follow this link to the five myths about leadership that the study debunks.