BC Business
Here’s a dreary but essential thought: The HST referendum is a month and a bit away. Have you formed your opinion yet? If you have believed all the bull that's been thrown around about the HST and really believe that it is “bad” for the province – and not just for you personally – then your mind is probably already made up. You’re going to vote it down.
If you have believed all the bull that’s been thrown around about the HST and really believe that it is “bad” for the province – and not just for you personally – then your mind is probably already made up. You’re going to vote it down.
But if you’re like most of us, in that you don’t personally like it, but have an inkling that killing it is probably one of the dumbest things we can do, than you may want to look at a few realities.
1. No one likes taxes. Go ahead, find me someone who loves to pay a tax to some — any — government. But anybody with any maturity recognizes that as part of a society, we have to reduce our selfishness just a touch, and contribute.
2. It’s a heck of a lot fairer than income tax or the old PST system. There is real fairness – and then there is the me-centered fake kind. The old PST system encouraged the latter.The HST is a straight-forward consumption tax in that the more you buy, the more tax you pay. There are no hidden taxes included in the price. So, unless you store all your money in a suitcase under your bed, the richer you are, the more tax you pay and are seen to pay. Bet you can’t say that about income tax.