BC Business
Wealth inequality in B.C. | BCBusinessShare of wealth for the wealthiest 10 per cent versus bottom half of Canadians, 2012.
When it comes to wealth distribution, B.C. is the worst in the country according to a new study by the Broadbent Institute. Using data from Statistics Canada, the study found that one-tenth of B.C.’s population controls 57.6 per cent of the province’s wealth, as measured by the aggregate net worth of individuals. Nationwide, the top 10 per cent of Canadians accounted for roughly half of all wealth in 2012; meanwhile, the bottom 30 per cent accounted for less than one per cent. Overall, Quebec and Atlantic Canada have more equitable distributions of wealth: the top ten per cent in Quebec accounts for 43.4 per cent of total wealth, while the top ten per cent in Atlantic Canada accounts for 31.7 per cent.