BC Business
We assess how different people/things and, of course, businesses fared this week.
Langara College’s new Centre for Entertainment Arts promises to turn some heads
It’s been a bit since we’ve personally had to go back to school, but September still brings with it some sobering realizations.
Yes, those 15 pounds you gained in the last three months did have something to do with drinking beer every night.
You will succumb to at least four fall-themed drinks from Starbucks that will make you regret it exactly nine minutes later.
Oh and hey, next month we might elect a government that wants to bring us back into the dark ages.
Here’s what made the grade (and what didn’t) this week.
Langara College
Grade: A+
Everyone’s favourite South Vancouver collegiate institution is actually branching out a bit with next week’s launch of a centre for entertainment arts “in the heart of Vancouver’s creative district.”
In reality, it’s on Great Northern Way in Mount Pleasant, but we will now be referring to the area as Vancouver’s creative district whenever possible, mostly in a bid to annoy those around us.
With the new campus comes a new curriculum, focused on digital artists and aimed at taking advantage of Vancouver’s bustling film industry. Keep creating, folks.
Being stuck in your ways
Grade: A
A new Angus Reid poll has found that both climate action and oil and gas growth should be top priorities for the next federal government.
And yes, that’s definitely enough to make anyone in his or her right mind stop reading right away. But we certainly don’t qualify for that category, so…
OK, so the question obviously skews the result a little bit here. But it’s just mind-blowing to think that Conservative voters are so entrenched in their opinions that they actually think Andrew Scheer’s government would be the best choice to combat climate change. One can only hope (pray) that they’re trolling.
But seriously, 25 percent??? That does not bode well for the Liberals (or any party other than the Tories) this election.
Terramera founder and CEO Karn Manhaus embraces nature
Meanwhile, in news that actually concerns protecting the planet, Vancouver-based cleantech agriculture company Terramera raised $45 million USD in Series B funding.
“We are on the path to reduce global synthetic chemical loads in agriculture by 80% by 2030,” said Terramera’s CEO Karn Manhaus in a release.
It’s great news for the company and for B.C.’s tech scene in general. Wow, what a burgeoning hub.
B.C. startups
Grade: C
So yeah, this is gonna be an awkward transition.
While B.C. companies like Terramera and Clio (and many more) have been killing it of late, it hasn’t been enough in the eyes of LinkedIn. There were zero B.C. startups on the social media giant’s list of the top 25 in Canada.
No word on whether it’s all because B.C. companies across the board kept ignoring Angela from LinkedIn’s offer for a free premium trial. (Angela, sorry to put you on blast, but your last DM was a little much were you drunk or something?)
Can you guess how many of the companies on the list are based in Toronto? It’s 20. And that’s not even counting the one in Mississauga.
Grade: C
Can’t help but think the headline writer missed a real opportunity here, right?
Off the top of our head, here are three:
“Tourists fly by the seat of their pants in Osoyoos”
“Osoyoos the No. 2 spot for tourism in B.C.”
“Experts: Can’t just wipe away Osoyoos tourism problem”
Just let us know if you need some help next time, CBC.
Have something that needs grading? Email ncaddell@canadawide.com