BC Business
Canada's job market | BCBusinessCanada's economy added 140,000 new jobs in the last two months.
In the last two months, the Canadian economy has churned the largest job gains in the past 30 years. Statistics Canada’s newest Labour Force Survey offers good news to ease everyone into the weekend: Canadian employers hired a whopping 58,200 people in April.
Canada’s job market | BCBusinessCanada’s economy added 140,000 new jobs in the last two months.
Statistics Canada’s newest Labour Force Survey offers good news to ease everyone into the weekend: Canadian employers hired a whopping 58,200 people in April. The increase is just under six times what economists expected for the month and followed an 82,300-increase in jobs in March. The back-to-back job gain is the highest Canada has seen in three decades. Unfortunately, the latest report wasn’t all positive. Despite the welcomed upswing in new, mostly full-time jobs, the country’s unemployment rate grew to 7.3 per cent (up from 7.2 per cent in March) as more people entered the job market in search for work. But some of the additional job seekers are likely just university students looking for gigs on their summer break. Here in B.C., the job market news is even better. The province saw 19,700 jobs created in April and the unemployment rate fell almost a full percentage point from the previous month to 6.2 per cent.