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Daily Biz Oct 9


Vancouver’s VR/AR ecosystem—visualized

Pictures really are more powerful than words, as evidenced by this infographic illustrating the burgeoning ecosystem of companies working in virtual and augmented reality in Metro Vancouver. Some 130 companies, ranging from giants like Electronic Arts down to little known distributors and providers of support services, make the city one of the largest hubs globally for this fast-growing niche of the IT industry. Keep watching this space as the VR/AR Association intends to update this graphic quarterly.


Will the GreeNDP kill energy investment?

Few people think of B.C. as an oil- and gas-producing province, but it’s been the No. 2 province for energy investment for more than a decade, easily outstripping the Atlantic provinces’ offshore industry. But with an NDP/Green coalition on the threshold of power, the $5 billion the oilpatch spends in B.C. every year may be at risk, ARC Financial reports.