BC Business
Gas Price Spikes | BCBusinessAs summer begins to settle into the Lower Mainland, Vancouverties can expect to pay more at the pump.
Tensions with Iran and an unstable Middle East mean Canadians will pay more at the pump as we welcome warmer temperatures. Since my move to B.C., I’ve definitely altered my travel habits. Once upon a time, I relied on my car to get anywhere. But high gas prices (especially compared to the States) forced me to start relying on mass transit.
Since my move to B.C., I’ve definitely altered my travel habits. Once upon a time, I relied on my car to get anywhere. But high gas prices (especially compared to the States) forced me to start relying on mass transit. Those high gas prices are shooting even higher as pump prices hit a $1.41-a-litre high today in the Lower Mainland. According to GasBuddy.com, Vancouver leads Canada currently with the most painful price at the pump. Unfortunately, there’s no relief in sight. Some experts predict prices to shoot up another 15 per cent by the end of April. These same experts attribute the startling price increase to unrest in the Middle East and speculation that Iran could curtail oil exports to France and Great Britain. But in reality, warmer weather brings road trips and summer vacations, which increases the demand for gasoline. There’s always a price spike just as spring ends. Maybe more of us (myself included) will consider fabulous staycations rather than taking road trips this summer. I guess this is where the rubber doesn’t meet the road.