BC Business
During the financial crisis, Odlum Brown was able to avoid layoffs and maintain salary levels, shareholder payouts and profit sharing. No surprise, then, that retention is not an issue. Number of employees: 225 Head office: Vancouver Quote: “A new mother was given remote computer access so she could continue looking after her clients from home – no ‘glass ceiling’ just because someone wants to start a family”
Number of employees: 225Head office: VancouverQuote: “A new mother was given remote computer access so she could continue looking after her clients from home – no ‘glass ceiling’ just because someone wants to start a family”
If my company were a celebrity, it would be: SEAN CONNERY “He’s strong, confident and well respected”
Odlum Brown has earned its place on the Best Companies list by amply rewarding hard work. Because the investment firm is employee-owned, everyone has a vested interest in its success. Staff speak proudly of the company’s solid reputation and say its focus on service is paying off. One employee reports that a prospective client agreed to a meeting just to hear what some of her friends – already clients – were talking about. During the financial crisis, Odlum Brown was able to avoid layoffs and maintain salary levels, shareholder payouts and profit sharing. No surprise, then, that retention is not an issue, with many employees having been with the 85-year-old firm for decades. As one staffer put it, at seven years in she is still considered a rookie.