BC Business
Mayor Gregor Robertson | BCBusiness
What is your greatest extravagance? Single malt scotch and dark chocolate.
Which talent would you most like to have? Be able to implement big, necessary change while keeping everyone happy.
Which words or phrases do you most overuse? I’ve reined in the F-bombs. So now it’s, “How soon can we do this?”
What do you consider your greatest achievement? Helping most of Vancouver’s homeless people move in off the street since 2008.
What is your greatest regret? That I can’t speak more languages fluently.
Where would you like to live? I love living in Vancouver. A bit closer to the ocean would be nice.
What is your favourite occupation? Entrepreneur—business or politics!
What would you change about yourself? Improve my time management to spend more time with my family.
Where is your favourite post-work drink? Anywhere with local craft beer on tap.
What is your present state of mind? Driven.
What is your greatest fear? That our generation’s greed destroys future generations’ quality of life.
What is your mobile phone of choice? BlackBerry and iPhone—an essential combo!
How do you travel to work?Walk or bike.
How do you take your coffee? Black, but more often I drink tea.
What’s your preferred method of communication? Face to face.
Come into the office early or stay late? Stay late.