BC Business
Networking needn't be one more thing added to your busy agenda. Everyday situations are natural opportunities to connect with people you meet
Ask people what networking is, and their answer will include the words reception, conference, awkward schmoozing and one more thing to do at the end of my busy day. Our definition is different. Networking is not only about going to events.
If there are two people standing (or sitting) next to one another, it’s an opportunity to connect. It’s what we call “high network shepa.” Shepa is the Tibetan word for consciousness or awareness. Take advantage of those opportunities around you all the time by looking up from your phone, stepping out of your comfort zone, getting up from your desk and talking rather than texting people. This kind of networking doesn’t take any more time, and here are some examples:
Gayle Hallgren-Rezac, Judy Thomson and Darcy Rezac, principals of Shepa Learning Company, are business networking speakers and authors of Work the Pond! Use the Power of Positive Networking to Leap Forward in Work and Life (Penguin/Prentice Hall)