BC Business
T-post wearable magazineIf the medium is the message, what does a t-shirt magazine say about 21st century media?
A Stockholm-based company is reimagining the traditional print medium – with the world's first wearable magazine. Media is arriving in all forms. And something truly innovative just landed on the publishing industry’s doorstep. A company in Sweden is pushing the boundaries of print with the world’s first wearable magazine. Fashion statement or conversation piece – either way, I love it.
Media is arriving in all forms. And something truly innovative just landed on the publishing industry’s doorstep. A company in Sweden is pushing the boundaries of print with the world’s first wearable magazine. Fashion statement or conversation piece – either way, I love it.
Last year Esquire blew readers away with their augmented reality issue featuring Robert Downey Jr. With a simple software download, features of the magazine sprang to life on readers’ home computers.
In the summer, clothing brand Forever 21 infused a classic advertising medium with some serious technology. Their billboard in Times Square combined high-tech surveillance cameras, computer vision technology, and a token female model to interact with audiences in entirely new ways. A Polaroid is taken of the onlookers and instantly shown by the model to the crowd. An individual is picked up and turned into a frog by a kiss. A live twitter feed with messages from fans scrolls down the screen. You get the picture.