BC Business
hear John Clinton, CEO, Edelman Canada Companies need to focus their attention on gaining and retaining the public’s trust. As chairman of Edelman Canada, John Clinton heads up the Canadian operations of the public relations giant and will be presenting new 2015 Edelman Trust Barometer data in this Vancouver Board of Trade event.
Pan Pacific, February 2
$138; $69 for Board of Trade members; boardoftrade.com/events
buy ExpertConnect software by Humanify Put aside the sci-fi-sounding company name and think how much more effective customer service would be if customers were matched to information and personnel that best address their questions. Embedded in either an app or site, this cloud-based platform shifts the focus of customer service technology from company efficiency to customer effectiveness. Saas pricing; humanify.com
go Buildex Vancouver All about buildings for the people who love them: with two full days of seminars, displays and speakers, this annual trade show and conference covers everything from design and construction to the furnishing and operation of commercial buildings. Vancouver Convention Centre, February 25 and 26 $25 (free before February 5); buildexvancouver.com
read Tell Everyone: Why We Share and Why it Matters by Alfred Hermida Before you start exploring the benefits of a Luddite existence, keep in mind that, according to UBC journalism professor Alfred Hermida, social media is just the latest method of human communication, and the same type of controversy it provoked also occurred when printed matter overtook word of mouth. Doubleday Canada $29.95
learn Giving Effective Speeches and Presentations Often overlooked in the climb up the career ladder, effective speech-making and presentation skills can prove unexpectedly valuable, especially when it comes to delicate negotiations or crisis management. Two full-day Saturday sessions cover everything from voice and body language to creating and using effective visuals. SFU Continuing Studies, SFU Harbour Centre, February 19 and 26, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.; $610; sfu.ca/continuing-studies/courses