This month, on

BCBusiness writer Steve Burgess drives around in high-performance cars with British Columbia’s equally high-performing CEOs. The latest episode stars… Carolyn Tuckwell, president and CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of South Coast BC Note to kids at Camp Potlatch: If you hear a counsellor drop the name “Garfield,” better scamper back to your bunk. According to Carolyn Tuckwell, president and CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of South Coast BC, that cartoon character is the code word that indicates a cougar spotting near camp. “A bear,” Tuckwell adds, “is just a bear.” There was a time when Tuckwell wouldn’t even have been allowed into the club even as an attendee—the organization arrived in Canada around the turn of the century as simply the Boys Club (not until 1974 was the name changed and exclusionary policy dropped). As we tooled around Richmond in a 2015 Subaru Forester XT, Tuckwell talked of her pride in Camp Potlatch and all the work done by the Boys & Girls Clubs to provide structure in young lives. Since she took the top job at the non-profit eight years ago, Tuckwell has faced challenges equal of those of private-sector CEOs. Sometimes the similarities are surprising—the organization routinely gathers data and scrutinizes reports to reach targeted goals. As with any charity there’s a financial bottom line. too. And although success involves returns that are less quantifiable than a typical business balance sheet, Tuckwell still has to formulate strategies to help the Boys & Girls Clubs move forward. Watch the video and you’ll hear some of her hopes for the future of a group that helps shape the future of B.C. youth. —Steve Burgess