BC Business
Keystone's southern section | BCBusinessTransCanada bounces back from recent permit rejections with plans for the southern half of the project.
Despite recent rejections and delays, TransCanada is on the rebound as it begins construction on the southern half of its Keystone XL project. TransCanada is sending a strong message this week on its embattled Keystone XL pipeline – it won’t give up so easily. On Monday, the company announced it would move forward with the southernmost portion of the pipeline from Cushing, Okla., to refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast.
Keystone’s southern section | BCBusinessTransCanada bounces back from recent permit rejections with plans for the southern half of the project.
TransCanada is sending a strong message this week on its embattled Keystone XL pipeline – it won’t give up so easily. On Monday, the company announced it would move forward with the southernmost portion of the pipeline from Cushing, Okla., to refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast. Breaking the massive pipeline into two smaller projects could help offset some recent delays. Because this southern stretch crosses no borders, no presidential approval is required. In the interim, the company plans to resubmit permits for the Alberta-to-Nebraska section of the pipeline to U.S. President Barack Obama for approval. The southern portion of the project will cost an estimated $2.3 billion and is slated for completion in mid to late 2013. The move demonstrates TransCanada’s confidence that the cross-border portion of the controversial project will eventually obtain the permits necessary to put all the pieces together. Last month, Obama rejected Keystone’s permits and advised the company to find an alternate route around Nebraska’s sensitive Sand Hills region.