BC Business
Names: Chris Breikss & John Blown of 6S Marketing Twitter: @ChrisBreikss, @JohnBlown, @6S_Marketing – 12,262 combined followers Web: 6smarketing.com Chris and John founded 6S in 2000. Since then, the company has grown into one of the bigges
Names:Stephen Jagger & Shane Gibson Twitter: @SJagger & @ShaneGibson – 15,270 combined followers Web: stephenjagger.com & closingbigger.net You’re likely familiar with the expression: “He wrote the book on it”? Well, whe
Name: Chuck McIntosh and Chris Irving Twitter: @Chuck_Mac & @PourHouse_Van – 15,310 combined followers Web: PourHouseVancouver.com Chuck McIntosh is an entrepreneur, restaurateur, bartender, marketing geek, adventure junkie, and beverage ch
Name: Gillian Shaw Twitter: @GillianShaw – 3,896 Followers Web: VancouverSun.com/DigitalLife As the Digital Life writer for the Vancouver Sun, Gillian Shaw is, in her own words, “living the digital life.” Supported by the reach of the
Name: Maura Rodgers & Danny Robinson Twitter: @MauraR & @DannyRobinson – 2,626 Combined Followers Web:BootupLabs.com Maura wears many hats, working with with Strutta.com, Bootup Entrepreneurial Society and Bootup Labs, to name a few. Thos
Name: Kris Krug Twitter: @kk — 7,916 Followers Web: KrisKrug.com Where to begin with this fella? Photographer (Static Photography), educator (Vancouver Film School), board member (W2 Media Arts), entrepreneur (Bryght) and on and on and on (seriousl
Rebecca & John Bollwitt Twitter: @miss604 & @johnbollwitt –12,777 Total Followers Web: Miss604.com & johnbollwitt.com Google any Vancouver related topic and you’re going to find Miss604.com. Blog turned-small-Vancouver-empire, if
Name: Colleen Coplick Twitter: @ColleenCoplick –5,203 Followers Web:MissManifesto.com Think Sex and the City with an even sexier edge and you’ve got Colleen Coplick’s writing genre. With a cult-like following of (mostly) women taking in
Name: Darren Barefoot Twitter: @dbarefoot –3,657 Followers Web: darrenbarefoot.com Write a few books, found a few businesses, become the go-to person for anything web-related, become a marketing executive for a multi-million dollar company and cr
Name: Raul Pacheco Twitter: @hummingbird604 –4,236 Followers Web:HummingBird604.com Raul Pacheco is an educator, researcher and consultant on water governance, environmental policy and sustainability at the University of British Columbia. If ther
Name: Hilary Henegar Twitter: @GranvilleMag – 5,592 Followers Web: GranvilleOnline.ca Granville magazine does many amazing things, including promoting sustainability and banging out some awesome Tweets. Not many magazines have had such a success
Names: Alex Lee-Behan & Jordan Behan Twitter: @AlexLeeBehan, @JordanBehan –3,882 Total Followers Web: AlexLeePR.com, JordanBehan.com The Behans are unofficially the official family of the Internet in Vancouver. Wherever you go in the Social M
Name:Monica Hamburg Twitter: @MonicaHamburg – 2,831 Followers Web: YourDoseOfLunacy.com Let’s say something you may not know about this ferociously intelligent ball of smarts: she has an incredible reach into Vancouver’s online commun
Name: Marc Smith Twitter: @AmuseConsulting – 1,992 Followers Web: AmuseConsulting.ca Marc Smith runs Amuse Consulting, an event planning company. While event planning may not be trendsetting in itself, Amuse’s use of social media certainly is
Nordica are Vancouver wedding photographers, social media photographers and Vancouver headshot photographers who, although based in Vancouver, take projects worldwide. Nordica (E-mail) Cole (E-mail | Blog), Jakob (E-mail | Blog)