What Are You Doing to Improve Yourself This Fall?

LAURA BALLANCE (left) President, Laura Ballance Media Group Inc. “I am committed to doing the Vancouver Sun Run next year with my youngest daughter. I had my knee rebuilt a number of years ago, so it will take a bit of training. Both my girls are very active: they’re into track and field, soccer, hockey, you name it. If you can win at it, they’ll play it. I want to do things that allow me to spend more time with them.” ROBIN YOUNGE (middle) General manager, Organics@Home


President, Laura Ballance Media Group Inc.
“I am committed to doing the Vancouver Sun Run next year with my youngest daughter. I had my knee rebuilt a number of years ago, so it will take a bit of training. Both my girls are very active: they’re into track and field, soccer, hockey, you name it. If you can win at it, they’ll play it. I want to do things that allow me to spend more time with them.”

General manager, Organics@Home
“I’ve decided to get back into practicing yoga.
I always say, ‘If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?’ Running is great, but it tightens up your muscles. Yoga keeps my body open and free. It relieves stress and helps me become more centred. The other great thing about yoga is that it gives me a solid two-hour block of pure ‘me’ time.”

Director, Burnkit
“I would like to initiate a mentorship program and help my team find mentors. I would also like to encourage my team to begin mentoring students as well. It’s been a great benefit to me. My background is biology, and I have an informal training in design. Running this business for the past 10 years wouldn’t have been possible without input from business mentors.”