Why locating corporate headquarters in urban centres harms society

Only locations in or near large cities made Amazon's short list for its new headquarters. Stephane Kasriel, CEO of freelancing network Upwork, argues that the trend of placing large corporate offices in increasingly dense central business districts leads to higher rents, longer commutes, less savings and fewer homeowners. The freedom to work from...

Only locations in or near large cities made Amazon.com Inc.’s short list for its new headquarters. Stephane Kasriel, CEO of freelancing network Upwork, argues that the trend of placing large corporate offices in increasingly dense central business districts leads to higher rents, longer commutes, less savings and fewer homeowners. The freedom to work from anywhere is a factor in the growing number of freelancers. Kasriel says we need to update our industrial-era mindset: We no longer work how we used to. We shouldn’t all be working where we’re used to, either.