BC Business
BroadbandTV CEO Shahrzad Rafati | BCBusinessBroadbandTV CEO and founder Shahrzad Rafati
Vancouver’s BroadbandTV announced Tuesday that it has renewed—and expanded—its partnership with one of its biggest clients, the NBA. For a company whose business is YouTube—BroadbandTV helps companies monetize fan-posted YouTube videos by identifying, claiming and serving ads to them—its relationship with the NBA is longstanding, indeed: BroadbandTV and the NBA first joined forces in 2009. According to Tuesday’s press release, the NBA’s YouTube channel has generated more than 2.2 billion pageviews, making it the most popular pro sports channel on the site—thanks, in part, to BroadbandTV. “We’re thrilled to extend the relationship and help the NBA to become even more successful on YouTube,” said BroadbandTV CEO Shahrzad Rafati. The news follows on the heels of another company milestone: on July 31, BroadbandTV announced it had doubled its network size, both in terms of pageviews and partners, in just 10 months. Last summer, the company, which was founded in 2005 by Rafati and ranks among the five largest of its kind, raised $36 million—one of the largest funding rounds for a Canadian tech company in recent history.