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Letter From the Chair, BC Economic Development Association
Welcome to the 2023 edition of Invest in BC. The British Columbia Economic Development Association (BCEDA) is pleased to renew our partnership with Canada Wide Media to produce this magazine, showcasing our communities. BCEDA represents over 500 economic development professionals in every region of the province.
Municipalities, regional districts, and Indigenous communities spend over $80 million per year on economic development and tourism programming in British Columbia. BCEDA leverages that investment by supporting economic development professionals in communities across the province with marketing tools, professional development programs and resource materials.
Like other organizations, BCEDA adapted over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic to continue to support our members. We delivered our annual summit remotely, worked with partners to support shop local programs, and held webinars to share best practices and innovative approaches to economic development activities in a changed world.
BCEDA also continues to support communities through our Economic Disaster Recovery Program. Following wildfires and floods, BCEDA volunteers have provided outreach, identified immediate business needs, connected business owners with resources and helped communities to plan their economic recovery.
Economic development officers are experts on their communities. As you browse through this magazine, when a community or opportunity catches your attention, I encourage you to reach out to the person responsible for economic development in that location.
The British Columbia Economic Development Association is here to assist economic developers, local, regional, Indigenous and provincial governments, and businesses working together to build a robust and sustainable economy through education, collaboration and partnerships.
Amy ReidChair, British Columbia Economic Development Association
Browse Invest in BC:
British Columbia: The Sustainable Advantage
First Nations Mean Business
The Clean Energy Advantage
Lower Mainland-Southwest: Bullish Outlook
Vancouver Island/Coast: Fairer Shores
Thompson-Okanagan: Migrant Haven
Kootenay: Rooted in Community
Cariboo: Northern Crossroads
North Coast-Nechako: Export Driven
Northeast: Energizing BC