BC Business
Whistler offers some of the best skiing, biking and recreation in the world
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It’s true: You can work and play and stay in Whistler.
Speak to anyone in Whistler and they’ll tell you about escaping from their busy lives in nearby Vancouver, across the country or from around the world to ski, snowboard, bike or hike for a season in the best mountain resort in the world.
Adventures drew them to Whistler.
Then they’ll tell you what it was that made them stay: the unexpected experiences, tourism work opportunities, work-life balance, friends, and more in this lively, tight-knit, passionate mountain community.
Came for the mountains, stayed for the community
For a community of around 12,000 full-time residents, Whistler has amenities to rival any city. A destination for over three million visitors per year, Whistler is a welcoming community with incredible skiing and snowboarding, hiking and biking trails, parks, restaurants, galleries, schools, playgrounds and many community groups that support families.
Here you’ll swap highway commutes for the leisurely Valley Trail network and enjoy living in neighbourhoods that are a short bike or bus ride away from the walkable village centre.
Came for the skiing, built a business
Whistler was founded by resourceful pioneers with a creative spirit. This lives on today, as Whistler continues to attract astute entrepreneurs providing local authentic offerings to our community & visitors alike. Whistlerites have built innovative, thriving local and global businesses, and opportunities are only limited by your imagination.
Came for the winter, stayed for the summer
As a world-class resort, Whistler offers career opportunities in the high-energy tourism and hospitality industries. Take your pick from a diverse range of jobs and with the mountains in your backyard, hitting the slopes is no longer just for the weekends.
With a thriving year-round economy, opportunities extend to gaining a range of career experiences, personal growth and skills development, while play is always close at hand.
Start your career adventure in Whistler. Learn more at whistler.ca/WorkInWhistler.