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4 expert tech tips to protect your business

BCBusiness + Best Buy Geek Squad | Secure your bottom line with this pro advice from the Geek Squad


BCBusiness + Best Buy Geek Squad

Secure your bottom line with this pro advice from the Best Buy Geek Squad

In today’s fast-paced world, small businesses don’t often have the resources or inclination to track the latest computer security threats, let alone take the time to learn how to fix technical errors that can slow down business. One solution to that challenge is Best Buy Canada’s credit card loyalty program—the Best Buy for Business Privilege Card—which includes free 24/7 technical support from its highly trained and professional Geek Squad.
“Geek Squad is able to provide service to you within our 136 store locations, in your home, on-site businesses or online (remote support which is available 24/7/365),” says Best Buy Canada’s Geek Squad Agent Andrew Wong.

Agent Wong shares his top tech tips to help your company stay safe and secure while allowing you to focus on what’s important—a profitable bottom line.

Protect your IT

Having software, such as anti-virus programs and firewalls, can help reduce threats from malware, software infection and phishing. It can literally be the last line of defense when someone accidentally opens an infected file or Trojan horse. If a computer is not protected, the infections can pose a risk by installing phishing software to steal data, take control of the computer to distribute spam and spread infections to other computers on a network.

Awareness is the number one defense against online threats

Cyber criminals make a living off unprotected businesses and infiltrate company networks and websites for financial gain and identity theft. Hackers will exploit businesses that are running unsecured coding or outdated operating systems. Making employees aware of the dangers of suspicious e-mails or phishing websites goes a long way. Good security policies such as using strong passwords and locking your computer when not present are good examples to share with employees.

Be wise with wireless

The freedom of wireless computing is a great convenience when it all works. Having a strong router that has the bandwidth and range to cover your office is critical to productivity. If there are areas of the office that have spotty Wi-Fi connectivity, consider expanding your network with access points to ensure adequate coverage. And I can’t stress this enough, but having a properly secured encryption for wireless is crucial. If you want to provide access to guests, look for routers that have guest network features so that your business and public networks are separated and secure.

Keep an extra eye on your business

If security is a concern at your business, consider installing security cameras in high-risk areas. Today, you can purchase a complete kit with a DVR and camera with smart phone connectivity so you can monitor your business from anywhere at any time. You can even set the security system to alert you via e-mail or app notification when there is suspicious activity recorded on camera.

Created by BCBusiness in partnership with Best Buy Geek Squad