BC Business
The nonprofit is currently recruiting business pros for its Company Program.
I’ve met a lot of entrepreneurs in this job. Maybe too many (kidding, sort of). But what almost all of them have noted—whether it’s true or they’re just being humble—is that they wouldn’t be where they are without one or several mentors helping them along the way.
So, if you’re an entrepreneur reading this, it’s time to pay it forward. Junior Achievement of BC, the local arm of the global nonprofit immersive education organization, is currently looking for mentors for its Company Program. The 16-week course allows students in Grades 10-12 learn about business and entrepreneurship from mentors they meet weekly to learn the tools of the trade from.
JABC has been serving the province since 1955 and has offices in Metro Vancouver, Fraser Valley, Vancouver Island, the Interior and Northern B.C., but the organization is currently on the lookout for mentors in the Vancouver and Victoria areas. Remote opportunities are also available.
“Getting a chance to work with mentors and fellow students, and sharing ideas and opinions with each other has allowed me to learn and gain advice, support and guidance—not only in business but in the workforce in general,” says Company Program participant Riya Kainth.
Junior Achievement Worldwide was founded in 1919 in Springfield, Massachusetts, and served as a starting spot for well-known Canadian movers and shakers like Minhas Brewery co-founder and Dragon’s Den host Manjit Minhas and B.C. branch graduate Kelly Edmison, founder of PenderFund Capital and current JABC volunteer.
Anyone interested in serving as a mentor should contact Company Program manager Alanna Tynan at a.tynan@jabc.org.