BC Business
Executive Cash Flow By 12:13 pm, January 1, 2007, Canada’s top paid corporate executives had already pocketed as much as a minimum wage worker will earn in all of 2007. (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Jan. 2007) Highest paid Male Executive in B.C. 2007 is Canaccord Capital Inc. President and CEO, Paul Reynolds, with a total compensation of $11,207,392 – just over $30-thousand daily. (Business in Vancouver)
By 12:13 pm, January 1, 2007, Canada’s top paid corporate executives had already pocketed as much as a minimum wage worker will earn in all of 2007. (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Jan. 2007)
“We looked at the BCBusiness list that had the top public and private companies, and there were three women in 100 CEOs, and I saw almost no ethnic diversity.” (Karin Kirkpatrick, Director of the Centre for CEO Leadership at UBC’s Sauder School of Business, Nov. 2007 on christyclark.ca) Based on the Top 20 Private, Public, and Crown Corporation in B.C. 2007 (BCBusiness)
In the private sector, among the largest 50 companies (in Canada) ranked by revenue, fully 80 percent of CEO appointments are internal. (Ron Robertson, Recruiting your next CEO: practical advice for Canadian boards, Ivey Business Journal Online May/June 2008) Based on the Top 20 Private, Public, and Crown Corporation in B.C. 2007 (BCBusiness)
Amongst corporate governance, honesty, and financial performance, community involvement/corporate citizenship plays an integral role in determining the most respected CEO in the annual ‘Canada’s Most Respected Corporations Survey’ (sponsored by KPMG). Whether it’s charities or academic boards, B.C. CEOs are proving their three-letter title encompasses leadership beyond company territory. Based on the Top 20 Private, Public, and Crown Corporation in B.C. 2007 (BCBusiness)