BC Business
How to declutter in business | BCBusinessMost of the clutter in our working lives is self created and simplifying means letting go of bad habits.
Running any kind of business is hard today. Despite the increase in devices that are supposed to simplify our lives, most of us find that we face more clutter than ever. Here are some ways to declutter your working life.
What with all the media and communication that we have to deal with today, it’s impossible to run a business or work without a lot of clutter piling up. Unanswered or badly stored emails and other communications, dealing with employees or fellow workers, multiple to-do lists that are never completed, reports that are behind schedule, stuff you hate doing but they want you to do anyway. You get the idea.
This clutter is usually mental and, according to the gurus, can be handled by some discipline and any one of several programs that help you get things done (I don’t know about you, but whenever I try these programs, and I have several times, they become just another thing to do). But it can also be physical in that you’re in a constant state of anxiety, which wears you out.
Clutter limits your productivity and causes undue stress.
So when an email from an American coach and therapist Diane Lang about decluttering your life landed in my desktop, I paid attention. Here her tips adapted for business: