BC Business
Taking the Plunge Into Entrepreneurship Conference Pan Pacific Hotel October 27, 2012
Nikolas Laufer-Edel (l), digital business consultant and chief marketing officer of learndot.com, with Alex Monegro, student development manager at the Sauder School of Business.
Suzanne Siemens (l), co-founder of Lunapad International, with Vivian Lin, a recent MBA graduate of Richard Ivey School of Business.
From left: Jon Sharun, managing director at Venexo Corporation;Charmane Sing, associate at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP; and Erica Li of WorkSafeBC and VP of professional development at Sauder Business Club of Vancouver.
Amanda Armstrong (l), VP and co-founder of Fortus Consulting, with economic development consultant Kelly Masson.
Chartered accountant and snowboard Olympian Alexa Loo (l), with Denise Wong of Teekay Corporation. Alexa is also running for City Council in Richmond, B.C.
From left: Trisha Lai; Akiko Kano; April Bellia, founder and CEO of Granola Girl Enterprises Inc.; and Latha Kodali, founder and CEO of Agile Print.
From left: Geoff Swannel, president at Strategic Leadership Inc.; Andrew Tait, president and director at TAITLABS; and Chester Lam.
President of the Sauder Business Club of Vancouver, Jeff Potter (l) of management consulting at SECOR-KPMG, with Louis Chang of Wolf Financial Group.
Mark Pivon (l), director of strategy at NextPhase Strategy Marketing Inc., with Bailey Kluczny, management consultant at AnalysisWorks.
Bob Prenovost (l), principal of Propellor Social Enterprise Advisor, with Karen Lebillon.
Organized by the Sauder Business Club of Vancouver, Taking a Plunge Into Entrepreneurship was an all-day conference for aspiring entrepreneurs and established business owners. Almost 100 business-minded individuals gathered at the Pan Pacific Hotel to take part in breakout sessions that suited their current business needs and interests. Whether individuals were just starting up, looking to grow or starting a new venture, the day focused on how to achieve goals regardless of the stage in the game.
Warren Roy, CEO and founder of Global Relay, opened the day’s first session, and over ten industry professionals participated in panel discussions. The day ended with a keynote address from Peter Legge, chairman and CEO of Canada Wide Media, who spoke about his journey as an entrepreneur and the challenges he overcame to build one of the most notable publishing companies in the country.