BC Business
BCBusiness is on a mission to recognize the companies in our province that turn the principles of social responsibility into action. For these organizations, a good relationship with employees, the community and the environment is embedded in their culture. The Business of Good program is a chance to show off the steps your company is taking to make British Columbia a better place to live, work and play. The winners, chosen by a panel of judges and our editorial team, will be featured in the March 2021 issue of BCBusiness.
Entry fee is $75 per category.
Application deadline is December 1, 2020.
Winners and runners-up will be featured in the March 2021 issue of BCBusiness.
The Business of Good Awards are open to private and public sector organizations based in B.C. Previous winners can’t win again in the same category, but they’re welcome to apply for other categories. You can find profiles of the 2020 winners and runners-up here.
Community Involvement
How does your company embrace and contribute to the communities where it operates?
Environmental Sustainability
What is your business doing to conserve the environment and combat climate change? And how is it reducing its ecological footprint?
Diversity and Inclusion
How does your organization make a concerted effort to employ a diverse and inclusive team?
Indigenous Relations
What does your company do to engage Indigenous Peoples, whether it’s paying attention to their concerns or working with them to build an inclusive B.C.?
Workplace Wellness
What programs or plans have you put in place to help ensure that employees are happy and healthy?
Thought Leadership (*new*)
What steps has your organization taken to promote social responsibility and good governance in the business community?
Please let us know any other ways in which you believe your organization should be recognized under the Business of Good banner.
The application is a two-part process:
1. Sign up here.
2. We’ll email you the entry form to fill out (it could take up to 15 minutes—grab a cup of tea). Complete the form and submit it.
How effective and forward-thinking is the campaign or initiative in question?
Does it accurately cover the category for which it’s intended?
Does this social responsibility effort take a comprehensive approach to addressing major issues facing our province?
Is the company clearly committed to it from the top down?
Applicants must make someone (or several people) from their organization available to be interviewed in December. At this point, it’s unclear whether we will hold an event to announce the winners.
Important note: If your company becomes a Business of Good finalist, we will use the information from your nomination form and an interview with someone in the organization to prepare a profile for potential publication in the March 2021 issue of BCBusiness. If you provide financial, personal and other details that you wish keep on background or off the record, it is your responsibility to let us know. BCBusiness makes every effort to ensure accuracy, but we do not share stories with sources before publication.