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Times are tough, and you might be tempted to downgrade your do-goodery – but we’re here to tell you that giving back doesn’t necessarily mean giving up a lot. As this list shows, some philanthropic deeds can be done on the cheap – and some are easier said than done. Where do you draw the line? Feel free to add your own ethical quagmire to the comment field below.
As this list shows, some philanthropic deeds can be done on the cheap – and some are easier said than done. Where do you draw the line?
Feel free to add your own ethical quagmire to the comment field below.
Easy: Pray for someoneNot as easy: Pray for someone you don’t like
Easy: Hold the elevator door for someoneNot as easy: Hold the elevator door for someone – and break your fingers in the process
Easy: Buy a 50/50 ticket at your beer league softball gameNot as easy: Buy a 0/100 ticket at your beer league softball game (somehow)
Easy: Buy a box of Girl Guide cookies from the neighbour kidNot as easy: Buy a box of Girl Guide cookies from the neighbour kid – but not the mint-flavoured ones
Easy: Put your empties out in the alleyNot as easy: Put full bottles out in the alley
Easy: Offer up your seat on the SkyTrainNot as easy: Offer up your seat on the SkyTrain to an ill-tempered, unattractive old coot
Easy: Let someone in while drivingNot as easy: Let someone into your car while driving
Not too hard: Sign your organ donor cardFairly hard: Donate an organ while still alive
Not too hard: Donate to a charity that digs wells in AfricaFairly hard: Dig a well in Africa yourself
Not too hard: Tell your spouse you like their undercooked quiche so as not to hurt his/her feelingsFairly hard: Eat up all of your spouse’s undercooked quiche before the rest of the party guests get sick from it
Not too hard: Volunteer to be a Big Brother or SisterMuch harder: Volunteer to be a hostage
Kinda hard: Try to break up a knife fightMuch harder: Try to break up a knife fight between 2 million people
Quite a feat: End world hungerSaintly indeed: End world hunger without any credit