BC Business
According to the Health Information section of Canada.com, a few sniffles and a dry, infrequent cough mean that you are contagious, but if you absolutely have to go out, practicing proper hygiene will prevent you from passing it onto others.
According to the Health Information section of Canada.com, a few sniffles and a dry, infrequent cough mean that you are contagious, but if you absolutely have to go out, practising proper hygiene will prevent you from passing it onto others.
However, Rebecca Gilman of the Public Health Agency of Canada, advises even if you are mildly ill, stay home until symptoms subside.
To minimize spreading or catching the cold virus at work, follow these Public Health Agency of Canada hygiene tips:
Gilman stresses not to risk infecting co-workers: “Stay home, because if you have the cold virus it spreads very easily to others.”