BC Children’s Hospital Foundation’s 30th Annual Crystal Ball

BC Children's Hospital Foundation's 30th annual Crystal Ball presented by Beedie Development Group raises a record $4.4 million towards the Children's Healing Experience Project scheduled to open in November 2017

Record-breaking $4.4 million raised for Children’s Healing Experience Project

More than 400 guests attended the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation’s 30th annual Crystal Ball presented by Beedie Development on November 18 at the Four Seasons Hotel. A record-breaking $4.4 million was raised toward the $6 million Children’s Healing Experience Project scheduled to open in 2017 at the Teck Acute Care Centre. The ball began with a cocktail reception and silent auction offerings followed by welcoming remarks by emcee Chris Gailus, Global BC news anchor. A raffle draw and after-party ended the evening.

In the last 30 years, the Crystal Ball has raised almost $25 million for BC Children’s Hospital. BC Children’s Hospital is the province’s only full-service acute-care hospital dedicated to serving close to one million children living in B.C. and the Yukon. Last year, more than 84,000 children were treated at BC Children’s Hospital. Funds raised by the foundation are used to support BC Children’s Hospital, its research institute and Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children.


Credit: Paul Duchart

Cindy Beedie and her husband, Ryan Beedie, Beedie Development Group president, who donated $1 million at the gala, are joined by Teri Nicholas, BC Children’s Hospital Foundation president and CEO

Credit: Paul Duchart

Mimmo Guadagnuolo, entrepreneur; Mike Hudson, Ronald McDonald House Charities BC/Yukon board member; Lisa Hudson, BCCHF vice-chair; and Catherine Guadagnuolo

Credit: Paul Duchart

Tina Chin and her son, Aidan Chin, 2016 Miracle Weekend Champion for BC Children’s Hospital Foundation

Credit: Paul Duchart

Crystal Ball co-chairs Diane Norton and Arya Eshghi

Credit: Paul Duchart

Christopher Gaze, Bard on the Beach founding artistic director; and his wife, Jennifer Gaze

Credit: Paul Duchart

Andy Hobbs, retired; Lisa Roberts, Conway Richmond Ltd. VP; and John Roberts, retired

Credit: Paul Duchart

Lauren Ilich, TL Housing Solutions president; Stephanie Miller, Crystal Ball committee member; and Nyle Beck

Credit: Paul Duchart

Paintertainment models Sabrina Whitford and Lyndsey Gaun

Credit: Paul Duchart

Charles Diamond, West Coast Seeds co-owner; and his wife, Isabelle Diamond, Crystal Ball founder and honourary lifetime chair

Credit: Paul Duchart

Sylvia Chen, BC Children’s Hospital Foundation governor; and Teri Nicholas, BC CHildren’s Hospital Foundation president and CEO

Credit: Paul Duchart

Trish Skinner; and her husband, John Skinner, Painted Rock Estate Winery Ltd. proprietor

Credit: Paul Duchart

John Sunderland, John P. Sunderland Design Inc. principal; Graham MacLachlan, RBC regional president BC; and Teri Dill, Trump International Hotel and Tower director of catering

Credit: Paul Duchart

Marina Newson, Odlum Brown portfolio manager; gala emcee Chris Gailus, Global BC news anchor; and Stephanie Carlson, Crystal Ball 30-year volunteer

Credit: Paul Duchart

Leslie Arnold, VP Provincial Child Health; and Teri Nicholas, BC Children’s Hospital Foundation president and CEO

Credit: Paul Duchart

Tali’ah Aquilini, Crystal Ball committee member; and Sarvenaz Amanat, Vancouver Art Gallery museum educator

Credit: Paul Duchart

Emcee Chris Gailus, Global BC news anchor, takes the stage

Credit: Paul Duchart

Emcee Chris Gailus, Global BC news anchor

Credit: Paul Duchart

Emcee Chris Gailus, Global BC news anchor, takes the stage