BC Business
Aderita Guerreiro, Heart and Stroke Foundation vice-president of philanthropy; Charmaine Crooks, gala chair and former Olympian; and Adrienne Bakker, Heart and Stroke Foundation COO.Aderita Guerreiro, Heart & Stroke Foundation VP philanthropy; Charmaine Crooks, gala chair and former silver medalist Olympian; and Adrian Bakker, Heart & Stroke Foundation COO. Danielle Creed; Brent...
Aderita Guerreiro, Heart and Stroke Foundation vice-president of philanthropy; Charmaine Crooks, gala chair and former Olympian; and Adrienne Bakker, Heart and Stroke Foundation COO.
Danielle Creed; Brent Creed, National Bank Financial vice-president investment adviser; Scott Lindsay, Seabridge Marine Services president; and Lana Lindsay.
Noordin Nanji, Stikeman Elliot LLP partner; and Nancy Nanji, past Heart of Gold Gala chair.
Casey Smith; and her husband, David Smith, Finning executive vice-president and CFO.
John Folnovic, Petrodell Energy president; and Charlene Ripley, Goldcorp executive vice-president and general counsel.
Justin Roets, volunteer; his mother, Aderita Guerreiro, Heart and Stroke Foundation vice-president of philanthropy; and fellow volunteer Jeremy Ethier.
Hank and Janice Ketcham; and Peter and Cathy Gudewill, auction sponsors.
Linda Chan, Tree Island Steele executive assistant; and James Chan, Cumis relationship manager.
Michael Small, BCLiving associate editor; and Kathleen Almeida, Canada Wide Media marketing and events manager.
Fred Lee, gala auctioneer; and Coleen Christie, gala emcee.
Christine Marks, Goldcorp director of communications; and Glen Marks, Avigilon engineering rep.
Kenn Hamlin, Telus director of community affairs; Jennifer Harrison, Telus communications manager; Dave Beck, Becks Plumbing principal; and Jill Schnarr, Telus vice-president of community affairs.
The Heart of Gold Gala committee.
Diego Marchese Heart & Stroke Foundation CEO; Dr. Bruce McManus,UBC Dept. of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine professor; Grady Meneilly, UBC Dept of Medicine chief; and Dr. Doug Clement, Heart & Stroke Foundation national board chair.
More than 500 guests attended the 10th anniversary of the Heart of Gold Gala in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation presented by Goldcorp. The black-tie evening began with a champagne reception followed by the gala in the ballroom, where CTV’s Coleen Christie was the emcee. Charmaine Crooks presided as gala chair, accompanied by honorary co-chairs Peter and Jane Scott.
Guests ended the evening by dancing to a live band and feasting on a late-night buffet. The live and silent auctions and raffle draw raised over $920,000. Over the past 10 years, guests and supporters of the Heart of Gold Gala have contributed nearly $5 million to fund the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s work toward eliminating death and disability from heart disease and stroke.