BC Business
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For the benefit of their customers and employees, it's always best practice for small business owners to treat WiFi and security as one integrated service
Customers appreciate—and increasingly, expect—access to WiFi while frequenting businesses of all sizes and sectors. For small businesses, sharing Internet services requires ensuring security measures are in place, so that both you and your customers aren’t sharing more than intended.
Small business owners wear many hats, and “IT Manager” may not be a comfortable fit for all, or the best use of their time. Yet, the increased presence of network systems makes it essential to have someone on their team with solid IT knowledge, or a trusted service provider.
“Once installed and configured, a network security system like Shaw’s SmartSecurity doesn’t require daily monitoring on site,” says Ron McKenzie, senior vice president, Shaw Business. “Notifications can be customized to alert different people, simultaneously or at different levels of a security threat.”
While IT issues can at times seem complex, the nature of network systems does provide for ability to manage the network from a single portal on any device, if set up through a cloud-based location. This option keeps data safe for businesses and their customers, as well as easily separates public and private networks for optimal security, control (e.g. blocking offensive content) and data analytics.
“Ideally, network security monitors traffic and enforces the set of rules it has been given. For example, it will prevent access to potentially harmful websites, always have an up-to-date virus definition list to thwart destructive software—such as ransomware or malware—and always be on-guard for anyone trying to gain access to the network without permission,” says McKenzie.
Working together, WiFi and security can optimize customer experience as well as provide opportunities for improving business performance. Bundling services through one provider will ensure the two systems are integrated and seamless, and most economical, for a small business. Having a single point of contact for IT support is an additional benefit for ease of use and peace of mind, and lets businesses stay focused on growing their business!