Video: Your 2010 Resolutions

For better viewing, click the "full screen" button. More: 10 B.C. Luminaries & Their Resolutions Video: Vancouver's 2009 Resolutions More: 2010 Resolutions Are Pure Folly More: Five Web Trends to Watch in 2010

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By most accounts, 2009 was the Year from Hell. It capped a decade in which, as Rebecca Mead wrote, there were no good answers. A terrorist attack on New York and Washington in 2001, Bush’s election and re-election (2000 and 2004) in the United States, a global financial catastrophe, hurricanes, war, and the crystallization, particularly here in Canada, of the ineptness of our political response to climate change. With all that badness at our backs, we’d be forgiven for wondering whether it will – or could – get better in 2010.

There’s no better way of finding out than by hitting the streets, so that’s what we did. In the pre-Christmas rush of 2009, what were ordinary Vancouveriter resolving for the coming year? 

Share your goals with us by commenting below. And happy New Year and best wishes for 2009 from BCBusiness Online.