10 Things You Didn’t Know About… Neighbourhood Holdings CEO Taylor Little

Like, what board he was excited to join.

Like, what board he was excited to join

In the years following the housing crash, the mortgage lending industry was left in a state of flux. Distrust was rampant, approvals were slow, terms were tight, and, according to Taylor Little, the industry needed to change. A lawyer by trade, in 2015 Little became a partner in Vancouver-based investment group Conconi Growth Partners. The founders of that organization were about to launch another venture, one that would supply the Canadian real estate market with alternative lending: Neighbourhood Holdings Limited Partnership. In 2018, Little became CEO.

Neighbourhood provides short-term financing solutions to Canadians in search of residential properties, including gig economy workers who are traditionally shut out by traditional lenders. The firm now offers some of the lowest alternative mortgage rates in Canada, namely in B.C., Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia.

The Edmonton native is unfortunately still a massive Oilers fan. Here are some other things you (probably) didn’t know about him.

What is your favourite spot in B.C.?

Too many to list, and I’ve barely scratched the surface. Generally anywhere outside, preferably with friends and on a bike. Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of time on the North Shore, enjoying/being terrified of the mountain biking trails on Mount Fromme.

Where did you go on your last vacation?

I travel a lot, and most of those trips mix business and pleasure, so it’s hard to say what my last vacation was. My last “pure” vacation was in Lisbon, Portugal, with a bunch of friends for my business partner Alex’s surprise bachelor party.

What is your most memorable podcast, film or book?

Favourite book is a toss-up between How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clayton Christensen and Principles by Ray Dalio, particularly the Life Principles.

Favourite restaurant/bar?

Via Tevere for restaurant, Nemesis for coffee and Parallel 49 for brewery.

What is your morning routine?

Coffee first. Catch up on some news/emails over breakfast. Then it depends—either a workout or jumping straight into work.


Riding a bike—mountain, road, track or gravel. I was recently elected to Cycling BC’s board of directors, which was a huge personal achievement for me, particularly because it aligns community work with my passion.

What is your favourite quote?

Always hard to pick out a favourite! Two that stand out are: “Embrace reality and deal with it,” by Ray Dalio. I find that quote is a bit of a rallying cry whenever I’m faced with something difficult, either personally or professionally. The second, “It never gets easier, you just go faster”, by Greg Lemond (the first, and some would say only, American to win the Tour de France). That one reminds me that improvement is never-ending. 

Best advice ever received?

It takes a lifetime to build a reputation, and a moment to ruin it. That comes from many different influences, but I work hard to always have it at the forefront of my mind. Integrity is everything in business, especially in what feels like the small village of Vancouver. 

Your worst job ever?

I’ve never had a “worst job.” Certainly some I didn’t like, but I learned from every single one of them. Whether that’s operating a snow shovelling business with my brothers as a kid in Edmonton (with a poorly thought-out subscription model), digging ditches for 12-plus hours a day as a commercial landscaper, or cleaning tables and washing dishes in a café.

The biggest takeaway for me is the influence that management can have on the well-being and productivity of staff. I’ve had many bad bosses over the years and have seen firsthand how that filters through to sub-optimal business results. 

If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?

My dog seems to have it pretty good!